세포생물학 실험실
유권열 Kwon Yul Ryu Ph.D.
Department of Life Science, University of Seoul
163 Seoulsiripdae-ro, Dongdaemun-gu, Seoul 02504, Korea
E-mail: kyryu@uos.ac.kr
Homepage: https://lifesci.uos.ac.kr/cellbio
Department of Biological Sciences,
Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA
(Advisor: Ron R. Kopito, Ph.D.) Oct 1st, 2001 – Sep 30th, 2005: Post-doctoral Research Fellow
Ohio State Biochemistry Program,
The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, USA
(Advisor: Sissy M. Jhiang, Ph.D.) Sep 20th, 1995 – Jun 8th, 2001: Ph.D. in Biochemistry
Department of Chemistry,
Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea
(Advisor: Chul-Hak Yang, Ph.D.) Mar 1st, 1992 – Feb 26th, 1994: M.S. in Biochemistry
Department of Chemistry,
Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea,
Graduated with honors (Cum Laude) Mar 1st, 1987 – Feb 26th, 1992: B.S. in Chemistry
College of Natural Science, University of Seoul, Seoul, Korea Mar 1st, 2019 – Feb 28th, 2021: Vice Dean
Department of Life Science, University of Seoul, Seoul, Korea Sep 1st, 2017 – Present: Professor
Division of Biological Sciences, UCSD, San Diego, CA, USA
(Advisor: Eric J. Bennett, Ph.D.) Aug 10th, 2015 – Aug 9th, 2016: Research Scholar
Department of Life Science, University of Seoul, Seoul, Korea Sep 1st, 2012 – Aug 31st, 2014: Department Chair
Department of Life Science, University of Seoul, Seoul, Korea Sep 1st, 2012 – Aug 31st, 2017: Associate Professor
Department of Life Science, University of Seoul, Seoul, Korea Sep 1st, 2008 – Aug 31st, 2012: Assistant Professor
Department of Biological Sciences, Stanford University,
Stanford, CA, USA (Advisor: Ron R. Kopito, Ph.D.) Oct 1st, 2005 – Aug 5th, 2008: Research Associate
College of Natural Sciences, Seoul National University, Seoul,
Korea, Responsibilities include: (1) Supervise ~100 graduate
teaching assistants responsible for general chemistry labs.
(2) Administrate general chemistry examinations
for ~2000 undergraduate students. Sep 1st, 1994 – Aug 31st, 1995: Assistant Teacher

Latest Research
Han SW, Choi J, Ryu KY#. Recent progress and future directions of the research on nanoplastic-induced neurotoxicity. Neural Regen Res, 19(2): 331–335, 2024(February 1st).
Han SW, Choi J, Ryu KY#. Recent progress and future directions of the research on nanoplastic-induced neurotoxicity. Neural Regen Res, 19(2): 331–335, 2024(February 1st).
Bae JS, Heo JE, Ryu KY#. Proteasome inhibition suppresses the induction of lipocalin-2 upon systemic lipopolysaccharide challenge in mice. Mol Brain, 17(1): 73, 2024(October 3rd).
Cho YJ, Park SH, Ryu KY#. Mild oxidative stress induced by sodium arsenite reduces lipocalin-2 expression levels in cortical glial cells. Int J Mol Sci, 24(21): 15864, 2023(November 1st).
Jung BK, Ryu KY#. Lipocalin-2: a therapeutic target to overcome neurodegenerative diseases by regulating reactive astrogliosis. Exp Mol Med, 55(10): 2138–2146, 2023(October 2nd).
Han SW, Kim TY, Bae JS, Choi J, Ryu KY#. Alleviation of neurotoxicity induced by polystyrene nanoplastics by increased exocytosis from neurons. Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 668: 19–26, 2023(August 6th).
Jung BK, Park Y, Yoon B, Bae JS, Han SW, Heo JE, Kim DE#, Ryu KY#. Reduced secretion of LCN2 (lipocalin 2) from reactive astrocytes through autophagic and proteasomal regulation alleviates inflammatory stress and neuronal damage. Autophagy, 19(8): 2296–2317, 2023(August 1st). (#Co-corresponding author)
Han SW, Ryu KY#. Increased clearance of non-biodegradable polystyrene nanoplastics by exocytosis through inhibition of retrograde intracellular transport. J Hazard Mater, 439: 129576, 2022(October 5th).
Han B*, Jung BK*, Park SH, Song KJ, Anwar MA, Ryu KY# and Kim KP#. Polyubiquitin gene Ubb is required for upregulation of Piwi protein level during mouse testis development. Cell Death Discovery 7:194, 2021 July 26th (*These two authors have equal contributions to this paper. #Co-corresponding author)
Han SW, Jung BK, Ryu KY. Regulation of polyubiquitin genes to meet cellular ubiquitin requirement. BMB Rep, 54(4): 185–195, 2021(April 30st).
Park CW, Ryu KY. Free ubiquitin: a novel therapeutic target for neurodegenerative diseases. Neural Regen Res, 16(9): 1781–1782, 2021(September 1st).
Han SW, Choi J, Ryu KY. Stress response of mouse embryonic fibroblasts exposed to polystyrene nanoplastics. Int J Mol Sci, 22(4): 2094, 2021(Feb 20th).
Jung BK, Han SW, Park SH, Bae JS, Choi J, Ryu KY. Neurotoxic potential of polystyrene nanoplastics in primary cells originating from mouse brain. Neurotoxicology, 81: 189–196, 2020(Dec 1st).
Park CW*, Bae JS*, Ryu KY. Simultaneous disruption of both polyubiquitin genes affects proteasome function and decreases cellular proliferation. Cell Biochem Biophys, 78(3): 321–329, 2020(Sep 1st). (*These two authors have equal contributions to this paper.)
Park CW, Jung BK, Ryu KY. Reduced free ubiquitin levels and proteasome activity in cultured neurons and brain tissues treated with amyloid beta aggregates. Mol Brain, 13(1): 89, 2020(Jun 8th).
Park CW, Jung BK, Ryu KY. Disruption of the polyubiquitin gene Ubb reduces the self-renewal capacity of neural stem cells. Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 527(2): 372–378, 2020(Jun 25th).
Im HT, Lee J, Ryu KY, Yi JY. Integrin αvβ3‐Akt signalling plays a role in radioresistance of melanoma. Exp Dermatol, 29(6): 562-569, 2020(Jun 1st).
Han SW, Jung BK, Park SH, Ryu KY. Reversible regulation of polyubiquitin gene UBC via modified inducible CRISPR/Cas9 system. Int J Mol Sci, 20(13): 3168, 2019(Jun 28th).
Lim D*, Park CW*, Ryu KY#, Chung H#. Disruption of the polyubiquitin gene Ubb causes retinal degeneration in mice. Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 513(1): 35–40, 2019(May 21st). (*These two authors have equal contributions to this paper. #Co-corresponding author)
Bae JS, Ryu KY. Cytoprotective role of ubiquitin against toxicity induced by polyglutamine-expanded aggregates. Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 500(2): 344–350, 2018(June 2nd).
Jung BK, Park CW, Ryu KY. Temporal downregulation of the polyubiquitin gene Ubb affects neuronal differentiation, but not maturation, in cells cultured in vitro. Sci Rep, 8: 2629, 2018(February 8th).
Lee HA, Kim MN, Ryu KY. Effect of p62/SQSTM1 polyubiquitination on its autophagic adaptor function and cellular survival under oxidative stress induced by arsenite. Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 486(3): 839–844, 2017(May 6th).
Kim HY, Lee DH, Ryu KY, Choi IH. A gold nanoparticle-mediated rapid in vitro assay of anti-aggregation reagents for amyloid β and its validation. Chem Comm, 53(32): 4449–4452, 2017(April 25th).
Kim MJ, Ryu KY. Regulation of REST levels overcomes dysregulation of neural stem cell differentiation caused by disruption of polyubiquitin gene Ubb. Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 486(1): 171–177, 2017(April 22th).
Lee DH, Ryu KY. Effect of cellular ubiquitin levels on the regulation of oxidative stress response and proteasome function via Nrf1. Biochem Biophys Res Commun, 485(2): 234–240, 2017(April 1st).
Ryu HW, Ryu KY. Ubiquitin homeostasis: from neural stem cell differentiation to neuronal development. Neural Regen Res, 10(8): 1209–1210, 2015(August 26th).
Kim MN, Choi J, Ryu HW, Ryu KY. Disruption of polyubiquitin gene Ubc leads to attenuated resistance against arsenite-induced toxicity in mouse embryonic fibroblasts. Biochim Biophys Acta – Mol Cell Res, 1853(5): 996–1009, 2015(May 1st).
▶ 지원

Ye-Jin Cho

Taek-Yeong Kim