나노바이오인터페이스 실험실
최인희 Inhee Choi, Ph.D.
Address :The University of Seoul
Department of Life Science
163 Seoulsiripdae-ro, Dongdaemun-gu
Seoul, 02504, Korea
E-mail : inheechoi1@uos.ac.kr
Yonsei University, Seoul, South Korea B.S. 2003 Chemical Engineering
Seoul National University, Seoul, South Korea M.S. 2005 Chemical and Biological Engineering
Seoul National University, Seoul, South Korea Ph.D. 2009 Chemical and Biological Engineering
Seoul National University, Seoul, South Korea 2009.3 – 2009.9
BK21 Post-doctoral Fellow in Chemical Engineering, Environmental Materials & Process Lab.
Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA 2009.10 – 2011.2
Post-doctoral Fellow in Mechanical engineering, Integrated Micro- and Nanofluidic Systems Lab.
Korea University, Seoul, South Korea 2011.3 – 2012.2
Research Professor in Biomedical engineering
University of California at Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, USA 2011.3 – 2014.2
Post-doctoral Fellow in Bioengineering, Biologically-inspired Photonics Optofluidic-Electronic Technology and Science Lab.
The University of Seoul 2014.3 – 2018.2
Assistant Professor in Department of Life Science, NanoBioInterface Lab.
The University of Seoul 2018.3 – - present
Associate Professor in Department of Life Science, NanoBioInterface Lab.
The University of Seoul 2020.9 – - present
Adjunct Professor in Department of Chemistry

Latest Research
S.Han, J.Park, S.Moon, S.Eom, C.M.Jin, S.Kim and I. Choi*, Label-free and Liquid State SERS Detection of Multi-scaled Bioanalytes via Light-induced Pinpoint Colloidal Assembly, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, In press
A.R.Pati, Y.S.Ko, C.Bae, I. Choi, Y.J.Heo* and C.Lee*, Highly porous hydrogels for efficient solar water evaporation, Soft Matter, 20 , 4988-4997 (2024.06.07)
S.Han, H.J.An, T.Kwak, M.Kim, D.Kim*, L.P.Lee* and I. Choi* (*Co-corresponding author), Plasmonic optical wells-based enhanced rate PCR, Nano Letters, 24(5) , 1738-1745 (2024.01.29)
S.Eom, W.Shim and I. Choi*, Microplastic-induced inhibition of cell adhesion and toxicity evaluation using human dermal fibroblast-derived spheroids, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 465 , 133359 (2024.03.05)
D.Kim, S.Lee, D.Shin, S.Hong, S.Park, J.Choe, J.M.Seo, J.B.Lee and I. Choi*, Photothermally Modulated Intracellular Delivery of Therapeutic Proteins Using Gold-Collagen Hybrid Nanoparticles, ACS Materials Letters , 6(2), 409-417 (2023.12.28)
l Selected as a Cover article.
Y.Shin, T.Kwak, K.Whang, Y.Jo, J.H.Hwang, I.Hwang, H.J.AN, Y.Lim, I. Choi, D.Kim*, L. P. Lee* and T.Kang*, Bubble-free diatoms polymerase chain reaction, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 237 (2023.10.01)
S.Lee, S.Kim, D.Kim, J.You, J.S.Kim, H.Kim, J.Park, J.Song* and I. Choi* (*Co-corresponding author), Spatiotemporally controlled drug delivery via photothermally driven conformational change of self-integrated plasmonic hybrid nanogels, Journal of Nanobiotechnology, 21(191) , 1-20 (2023.06.14)
S. Eom, S. Y. Lee, J. T. Park*, and I. Choi* (*Co-corresponding author), Alveoli-like Multifunctional Scaffolds for Optical and Electrochemical in-situ Monitoring of Cellular Responses from Type Ⅱ Pneumocytes, Advanced Science, 10(23) , 2301395 (2023.05.28)
l Selected as a Cover article.
I. Kim, H. Kim, S. Han, J. Kim, Y. Kim, S. Eom, A. Barulin, I. Choi*, J. Rho* and L. P. Lee* (*Co-corresponding author), Metasurfaces-driven hyperspectral imaging via multiplexed plasmonic resonance energy transfer, Advanced Materials, 35(32) , 2300229 (2023.04.24)
l Selected as a Cover article.
T. Kim, J.Lee, E.-S. Yu, S. Chung, S. I. Choi*, and Y.-S. Ryu* (*Co-corresponding author), Fabry-Perot cavity control for tunable Raman scattering, Small Accepted, 19 , 2207003 (2023.04.05)
l Selected as a Cover article.
D. Kim, K. Park, J. Park* and I. Choi* (*Co-corresponding author), Photoactive MOF-derived Bimetallic Silver and Cobalt Nanocomposite with Enhanced Antibacterial Activity, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 15(19) , 22903-22914 (2023.03.30)
l Selected as a Cover article.
E-S. Yu, E. T. Jeong, S. Lee, I. S. Kim, S. Chung, S. Han, I. Choi, and Y-S. Ryu*, Real-time Underwater Nanoplastic Detection beyond Diffusion Limit and Low Raman Scattering Cross-section via Electro-photonic Tweezers, ACS Nano, 17(3), 2114-2123 (2022.12.27).
l Selected as a Cover article.
E. Kokin, H. J. An , D. Koo, S. Han, K. Whang, T. Kang, I. Choi*, and L. P. Lee*, Quantum Electrodynamic Behavior of Chlorophyll in Plasmonic Nanocavity, Nano Letters, 22(24), 9861-9868 (2022.12.09)
H. Kim, H. J. An, J. Park, Y. Lee, M. S. Kim, S. Lee, N. D. Kim, J. Song, and I. Choi*, Ultrasensitive and Real-time Optical Detection of Cellular Oxidative Stress Using Graphene-covered Tunable Plasmonic Interfaces, Nano Convergence, 9(1), 1-12 (2022.05.23)
A. Yu, Y. Hong, E. Song, H. Kim, I. Choi, and M. Goh, Advanced Oxidative Chemical Recycling of Carbon-Fiber Reinforced Plastic Using Hydroxyl Radicals and Accelerated by Radical Initiators, Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 112, 193-200 (2022.08.25)
J. Park, S. Lee, H. Lee, S. Han, T. H. Kang, D. Kim, T. Kang, and I. Choi*, Colloidal Multiscale Assembly via Photothermally-driven Convective Flow for Sensitive In-solution Plasmonic Detections, Small, 2201075 (2022.05.16)
J. You, S. Lee (co-first authors), H. J. Tark, M. J. Nang, J. H. Oh, I. Choi*, Optical Detection of Copper Ions via Structural Dissociation of Plasmonic Sugar Nanoprobes, Analytical Chemistry, 94(14), 5521-5529 (2022.03.28)
D. Shin, S. Lee, H. S. Jang, J. B. Joo, I. Choi*, Redox/pH-dual Responsive Functional Hollow Silica Nanoparticles for Hyaluronic acid-guided Drug Delivery, Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry, 108, 72-80 (2022.4.25).
I. Choi, J. Song, H. Park, Gold and Silver Plasmonic Nanoprobes Trace the Positions of Histone Codes, BMB reports, 55(3), 111-112 (2022.03.31).
J. Y. Lee, S. Lee, D. Shin, J. T. Park, I. Choi, Sensitive and Homogenous Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering Detection Using Heterometallic Interfaces on Metal-Organic Framework-Derived Structure, Advanced Materials Interfaces, 9(7), 2102122 (2022.3.02)
| Selected as a Cover.
H. J. An, Y. Kim, S. Chang, H. Kim, J. Song, H. Park, and I. Choi*, High-Spatial and Colourimetric Imaging of Histone Modifications in Single Senescent Cells Using Plasmonic Nanoprobes, Nature Communications, 12, 5899 (2021.10.08).
M-S. Kang, H-J. Lim, S-W. Jin, T. G. Lee, G-H. Lee, D-W. Kim, E-W. Lee, J. Park, I. Choi, Y. Kim, and E-J. Park, Multiple pathways of alveolar macrophage death contribute to pulmonary inflammation induced by silica nanoparticles, Nanotoxicology, 15(8), 1087-1101 (2021.09.01).
Y. Shin, K. Whang, J. H. Hwang, Y. Jo, J-W. Choi, J. Park, I. Choi, and T. Kang, Sensitive and Direct Optical Monitoring of Release and Cellular Uptake of Aqueous CO from CO-releasing Molecules, Analytical Chemistry, 93(28), 9927-9932 (2021.07.08).
J. Park, S. Lee, J. Choi, and I. Choi*, Extra-and Intracellular Monitoring of TGF-β Using Single Immunoplasmonic Nanoprobes, ACS Sensors, 6(5):1823-1830 (2021.05.28).
| Selected as a Cover article.
E-J. Park, S. N. Kim, H-J. Lim, J-W. Cho, C. Yoon, G-H. Lee, D-W. Kim, J. Park, I. Choi, S. H. Lee, J. Song, Repeated Intratracheal Instillation of Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles Induced Pulmonary Damage and a Systemic Inflammatory Response in Cynomolgus Monkeys, Nanotoxicology, 15(5), 621-635 (2021.04.18).
Y. Kim, J. Jeong, S. Lee, I. Choi, and J. Choi, Identification of Adverse Outcome Pathway related to High-Density PolyEthylene microplastics exposure: Caenorhabditis elegans transcription factor RNAi screening and zebrafish study, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 388,121725:1-10 (2020.04.15).
G.Y Kang, D. Carlson, T. H. Kang, S. Lee, S. Harward, I. Choi, A. Shen, A. Chung, Intracellular Nanomaterial Delivery via Spiral Hydroporation, ACS Nano, 14(3),3048-3058 (2020.03.24).
l Selected as a Cover article.
T. H. Kang, C. M. Jin, S. Lee, and I. Choi*, Dual Mode Rapid Plasmonic Detections of Chemical Disinfectants (CMIT/MIT) Using Target-Mediated Selective Aggregation of Gold Nanoparticles, Analytical Chemistry, 92, 4201-4208 (2020.03.17)
l Selected as a Cover article.
M. Kim, H.-J. Eom, I. Choi, J. Hong, and J. Choi, Graphene oxide-induced neurotoxicity on neurotransmitters, AFD neurons and locomotive behavior in Caenorhabditis elegans, Neurotoxicology, 77, 30-39 (2020.03.01).
J. Park, T. H. Kang, I. Choi* and J. Choe* (*Co-corresponding author), Induction of crystal nucleation by orientation-controlled binding of His6-tagged proteins to functionalized gold nanoparticles, CrystEngComm, 22, 1032-1040 (2020.02.14).
S. Lee, Y. Lee, E-M. Kim, K. W. Nam, I. Choi*, Aqueous-Phase Synthesis of Hyaluronic Acid-based Hydrogel Nanoparticles for Molecular Storage and Enzymatic Release, ACS Applied Polymer Materials, 2(2), 342-350 (2020.2.14).
H. J. An, H. S. Kim, J. A Kwon, J. Song, and I. Choi*, Adjustable and Versatile 3D Tumor Spheroid Culture Platform with Interfacial Elastomeric Wells, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 12, 6924-6932 (2020.2.12).
K. Whang, J. Chang, K. Jung, H. Ko, J. Lee, I. Choi*, T. Kang* (*Co-corresponding author), Optical Detection of Small Metabolites for Biological Gas Conversion by using Metal Nanoparticle Monolayers Produced by Capillary-assisted Transfer, Analytical Chemistry, 91, 13152-13157 (2019.10.15).
T. H. Kang, S. Lee, J. A Kwon, J. Song, and I. Choi*, Photothermally-Enhanced Molecular Delivery and Cellular Positioning on Patterned Plasmonic Interfaces, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 11, 36420-36427 (2019.10.09).
Y. Kim, K. Jung, J. Chang, T. Kwak, Y. Lim, S. Kim, J. G. Na, J. Lee, I. Choi, L. P. Lee, D. Kim, T. Kang, Active Surface Hydrophobicity Switching and Dynamic Interfacial Trapping of Microbial Cells by Metal Nanoparticles for Preconcentration and In-plane Optical Detection, Nano Letters, 19, 7449-7456 (2019.10.09).
H. S. Kim, S. Lee, and I. Choi*, On-chip Plasmonic Immunoassay based on Targeted Assembly of Gold Nanoplasmonic Particles, Analyst 144, 2820 - 2826 (2019.04.21).
Y. Lee, S. Lee (co-first authors), H. S. Kim, J. T. Moon, J. B. Joo, and I. Choi*, Multifunctional and Recyclable TiO2 Hybrid Sponges for Efficient Sorption, Detection, and Photocatalytic Decomposition of Organic Pollutants, Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry 73, 328-335 (2019.05.25).
I. Choi, H. K. Lee, G. W. Lee, J. Kim, J. B. Joo*, Inorganic shell nanostructures to enhance performance and stability of metal nanoparticles in catalytic applications, Rare Metals,39, 767-783 (2019.03.01).
S. Lee and I. Choi*, Fabrication Strategies of 3D Plasmonic Structures for SERS, BioChip Journal 13(1), 30-42 (2019.03.20).
Y. Lee, J. Jang, J. Yoon, J-W Choi, I. Choi, T. Kang, Phase Transfer-driven Complete Ligand Exchange for Molecular Assembly of Phospholipid Bilayer on Aqueous Gold Nanoparticles, Chemical Communications 55, 3195-3198 (2019.3.18).
l Selected as a Cover article.
J. Jeong, T. Song, N. Chatterjee, I. Choi, Y. K. Cha, J. Choi, Developing Adverse Outcome Pathways on Silver Nanoparticle-induced Reproductive Toxicity via Oxidative Stress in the Nematode Caenorhabditis elegans using a Bayesian Network Model, Nanotoxicology 12(10),1182-1197 (2019.1.21).
C. M. Jin, W. Lee, D. Kim, T. Kang, and I. Choi*, Photothermal Convection Lithography for Rapid and Direct Assembly of Colloidal Plasmonic Nanoparticles on Generic Substrates, Small , 14 (45), 1803055 (2018.10. 07).
l Selected as a Cover article.
S. Lee, J. A Kwon, K. H. Park, C. M. Jin, J. B. Joo, and I. Choi*, Controlled Drug Release with Surface-Capped Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles and Its Label-Free In Situ Raman Monitoring, European Journal of Pharmaceutics and Biopharmaceutics, 131, 232-239 (2018.10.01).
Y. Shin, K. Whang, J. Chang, J. Jang, S. Yoo, J. Lee, Y. Choi, I. Choi, and T. Kang, T, 3D Assembly of Metal Nanoparticles at Oleic Acid/Water Interface via Their Autonomous and Rapid Interfacial Locomotion, Advanced Materials Interfaces (2018.08.23).
l Selected as a Cover article.
Y. Lee, S. Lee, C. M. Jin, J. A. Kwon, T. Kang and I. Choi*, Facile Fabrication of Large-scale Porous and Flexible Three-dimensional Plasmonic Network, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 10 (33), 28242-28249. (2018.08.22).
J. A. Kwon, C. M. Jin, Y. Shin, H. Y. Kim, Y. Kim, T. Kang, and I. Choi*, Tunable Plasmonic Cavity for Label-free Detection of Small Molecules, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 10, 13226-13235 (2018.04.18).
C. M. Jin, J. B. Joo, and l. Choi*, Facile Amplification of Solution-State Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering of Small Molecules Using Spontaneously Formed 3D Nanoplasmonic Wells, Analytical Chemistry, 90, 5023-5031 (2018.04.17).
Y. Kim, Y. Kim, J. Choi, T. Kang, and l. Choi*, Determination of nanomolar levels of reactive oxygen species in microorganisms and aquatic environments using a single nanoparticle-based optical sensor, Analytica Chimica Acta, 967, 85-92 (2017.05.15).
H. Y. Kim, J. A Kwon, T. Kang, and I. Choi*, Rapid and high-throughput colorimetric screening for anti-aggregation reagents of protein conformational diseases by using gold nanoplasmonic particles, Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology, and Medicine, 13(4), 1575-1585 (2017.05.01).
H. Y. Kim, D. Lee, K-Y. Ryu, and I. Choi*, A gold nanoparticle-mediated rapid in vitro assay of anti-aggregation reagents for amyloid β and its validation, Chemical Communications, 53 (32), 4449-4452 (2017.04.25). (IF:5.996)
l Selected as a Cover article.
S. Ko, H. Y. Kim, I. Choi*, and J. Choe* (*Co-corresponding author), Gold Nanoparticles as Nucleation-Inducing Reagents for Protein Crystallization, Crystal Growth & Design, 17(2), 497-503 (2017.02.01).
H. D. Song, M. Lee, G-P. Kim, I. Choi*, and J. Yi* (*Co-corresponding author), Real-Time Optical Monitoring of Pt Catalyst Under the Potentiodynamic Conditions, Scientific Reports, 6, 38847: 1-8 (2016.12.09).
I. Choi, Y. Shin, J. Song, S. Hong, Y. Park, D. Kim, T. Kang, and L. P. Lee, Spontaneous Self-Formation of 3D Plasmonic Optical Structures, ACS Nano. 10(8), 7639–7645 (2016.08.23).
S. Hong, M. Song, S. Kim, D. Bang, T. Kang, I. Choi, L. P. Lee, "Integrated Microalgae Analysis Photobioreactor for Rapid Strain Selection", ACS Nano, 10(6), 5635–5642 (2016.07.23).
l. Choi , Recent Advances in Nanoplasmonic Sensors for Environmental Detection and Monitoring, Invited Review, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 16, 4274-4283 (2016.05.01).
H. Y. Kim and I. Choi, Ultrafast Colorimetric Determination of Predominant Protein Structure Evolution with Gold Nanoplasmonic Particles, Nanoscale, 8, 1952-1959 (2016.01.28).
l Selected as a Cover article.
Y. Kim, J. Y. Park, H. Y. Kim, M. Lee, J. Yi and I. Choi , A single nanoparticle-based sensor for hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) via cytochrome c-mediated plasmon resonance energy transfer, Chemical Communications, 51, 15370-15373 (2015.10.28).
l Selected as a Cover article.
S. Lee, H. D. Song, Y. I. Yang, G. P. Kim, l. Choi* and J. Yi* (*Co-corresponding author), Solution based, On Chip Direct growth of Three-Dimensionally Wrinkled Gold Nanoparticles for a SERS Active Substrate, Chemical Communications, 51(1), 213-216 (2015.01.04).
BK21 supported members

Hakchun Kim
Project : Real‑time Optical Detection and Monitoring of Cellular Behaviors Using Plasmonic Nanoprobes